Types of Cameras in your mobile phone

 What’s in your mobile camera


Even though nearly everyone has at least one mobile phone in their house, you don’t know whats in them. One such things that you don’t know is about your cameras. a normal mid-range mobile phone has about 4-5 cameras in them in average but we only use one of them the whole time without even realizing it. So lets peek into what’s in your mobile cameras. And how to use them. Lets start with the easiest one first


The main camera

This is the camera that normally takes the photos and videos for you. This is the camera that is given high importance on, manufacturers provide extra care and quality to this camera. And this is the camera that is usually used by 90% of the smartphone owners.


Selfie camera

This camera is popped on the front of your screen. And it does exactly what it says on the tin it takes selfies! For many this camera doesn’t need definitions on.


Telephoto camera

To put its name in simple words, this is a zoom camera. This is what you use sometimes to take shots that are far away but it also has another use, to know about it you need to know about portrait mode

So if you know about it skip and read from next paragraph


Portrait mode is a mode where the camera blurs all the objects that are out of the so called focus area and focuses the people or things inside the area, this creates a background blur and poppes up the people or things that you want to focus on.


For this mode, taking the shots on a specialized zoom camera enhances the photo by popping up your appearance and enhancing your look . So this is the reason why people who know about it, likes to use it often.


Ultrawide camera 

This camera is also a camera like the telephoto which is not often there, but more than 60% of phones over the price of $200 have it. This is used to take shots that need to cover a larger area. Like taking a group photo. Where it captures everyone without one cramping up on to other.


Depth sensor

This has no use by itself but is is used alongside the main camera to increase the depth of field that your camera captures to make it look less flat and more 3 dimensional. There is also another kind of depth sensor used for taking selfies


Macro camera

This is more of an camera for experimental kind of camera where you need to place your mobile very close to the subject about 3-4 centimeters away. This takes very close

up shots of subjects to get even the most smallest texture and detail of the subjects. This doesn’t have any day to day use but it is quite fun to use if you ask me. But it needs have a torch or the built in flash for it to work properly.


There are a few bizarre types of cameras like gymball lenses, thermal image cameras to capture the photos in the night and x-ray cameras in a few phones. But these are restricted to very experimental use and not available in all the major group of phones so I have not included it in the list

Hope you liked it. Comment own below about suggestion on my next article. So what are you waiting for, check out your camera’s fascinating features. Thanks for everyone who has read it till the end. Have a colourful day. Thank you!


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